Around the valley

The valley of roses extends between Boulmane du Dadès and the valley of the Mgoun, high place of trekking and hiking. It owes its name to the presence of rose hedges developed to keep goats away from cultivated fields. In May, the harvest of the roses ends with the "moussem of the roses". Access to the valley is through a series of canyons dug by the M'goun wadi and Wadi Dades in ocher mountains offering a varied landscape in lush greenery. A long succession of traditional fortified villages and majestic earthen kasbahs, surrounded by invisible gardens where the rose grows, awaits you during this trek all along the wadi Mgoun. The trek in the valley is proposed with night in lodgings and kasbahs at the inhabitant.

Trek in the M'Goun Valley

Tinghir is located in the Todgha Valley. In the old town, you can visit the traditional houses "ksars" grouped in strongholds "ksours" and the kasbah of Pasha Glaoui. 15 km from Tinghir, the Todgha Gorge, impressive for their high limestone cliffs, are very popular with climbers for their walls up to 300 m.

Tinghir and its throats

Renowned for its highest dunes in Morocco, the Merzouga village is next to the largest Erg erg Chebbi Erg. A fragile natural habitat, erg chebbi is a vast expanse of dunes shaped by the wind. It is home to many endemic species.

In Merzouga, you will live a unique experience. A camel trek will be proposed to you and you will attend the striking spectacle of the sunset. You will bivouac in the heart of the desert under a starry sky that offer the nights of this immense nature, sky prized by astronomy lovers. For the more sporty, treks are organized.

Meeting with the Desert

Located on a plateau at over 2,200 m altitude, the village of Imilchil is known for its engagement moussem. According to legend, a girl and a young man from neighboring villages loved each other in secret. When they confessed their love, their family opposed it. The lovers fled to meet on a hill. Their tears gave birth to two twin lakes "Isli" (the fiancé) and "Tislit" (the fiancée) in which they drowned. Full of regret, their parents decided that once a year, their boys and girls could choose one another and get married freely. From this legend was born the engagement festival of Imilchil.


The palm grove of Draâ, the largest palm grove in the world, is formed by a string of six palm groves that starts from the palm of Mezguita in Agdaz to the palm grove of M'Hamid Elgizlane which closes this exceptional rosary and announces a desert that is just as much.


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